Meile v2.0: A Major Update Is Coming This Month For the Decentralized VPN

Meile is set to release its new version, Meile v2.0, soon. This update brings a major change to the user interface (UI), which has been in development for some time.

The team is ready to show what the new UI looks like with screenshots and descriptions of the features.

UI Changes in Meile v2.0

Updating the UI was a big task. The main screen of Meile will now look like the design shown in the screenshots, thanks to Tkd-Alex who worked on turning the designs into reality.

The node screen and Wallet screen also have new designs, but the Wallet screen might change a bit more in the final version. Version 1.8.0 already includes a new feature that lets users swipe to move from the map to the node screen. The team is still working on adding more details to the map.

New Subscription Plans

Meile dVPN v2.0 will introduce subscription plans that users can buy with different cryptocurrencies like Monero, BTC, BTC Lightning, Stable Coins, DASH, LTC, DOGE, and Pirate Chain.

The team has already set up a BTCPay server and tested payments with some cryptocurrencies. Users will also be able to pay with coins that work with IBC through their wallets.

Faster Load Times with Meile Cache Server

The Meile Cache Server has been developed to deal with the slow loading times caused by having to query over 11,000 nodes on the Sentinel network.

The team uses a special software kit from Sentinel to gather node data and update it every 12 minutes. This means Meile will load much faster, usually in less than 15 seconds.

Conclusion and Future Plans

The final version of Meile v2.0 is expected to be ready by the end of February. This update is important as it is the second time the team is trying to make money with Meile, after the Meile FIAT Gateway.

The new subscription plans will help with this, but they also require a lot of work to maintain. The team is excited to share this update and looks forward to the community's response.

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